Colonie Town Park

Nestled along the Mohawk River on the very northern edge of the town of Colonie, this park offers trails meandering through the woods, a historic covered bridge, playgrounds, picnic areas, boat launch, and a pool that's open during the summer season. The entrance is located off Schermerhorn Road, not far off of Rte. 9 just south of where it crosses the Mohawk River at the Crescent Bridge. Note that there is an entrance fee for non-residents in season, although you can also park across the street and walk in via a connector from the Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike Trail.

You'll find several scenic spots for photos in this park, from the shoreline of the river to the section of road where you walk under the covered bridge. As you loop around the road just past the pool, a large trail sign marks the entrance to the wooded paths that branch off from the paved road, taking you on various loops through the woods and eventually coming out by the river and playground/picnic area. Additionally, across from the bike path that runs parallel to the park, you'll find a network for mountain biking trails that go up the hill.

Whether combining a park visit with a longer trek on the bike path, having a picnic with family, or just enjoying a day exploring the outdoors, this park offers a beautiful spot for a respite in nature close to the suburbs.

Colonie Town Park Photos

Colonie Town Park Trail Covered Bridge Pond Mohawk River in Fall Benches by Mohawk River

Colonie Town Park Map

See a full map of the park on the official Town of Colonie website

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