Capital Region Hikes for Small Children

Saratoga Spa State Park

When you're looking for activities to entertain young kids, often a simple walk in the woods can serve as a fun adventure. Children will use up energy walking and running around while enjoying discovery of the wide world of nature, from rocks to leaves, from frogs to rabbits.

Here, we've compiled a list of several parks and trails with easy accessibility for small children. You won't find massive elevation gain or extensive climbs over rocky boulders. In fact, we've started by listing paved or gravel trails traversible by strollers, so you can bring the youngest of children along. Next, the "easy hikes" section lists trails where you bring kids who are confident walking on their own but may not be ready for a more difficult hike. Of course, if you have a wearable child carrier, you can always use that option to take your little one on a trek through the woods or fields.

Stroller-Friendly Walks

Easy Hikes

Check out one of my favorite Adirondack trail guides.

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